Academia. edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. The paper examines the state of current research on the topic and points out gaps in existing literature. The review indicates that gamification provides positive effects, however, the effects are greatly dependent on the context in which the gamification is being implemented, as. This paper reviews peerreviewed empirical studies on gamification. We create a framework for examining the effects of gamification by drawing from the def Gamification for EL Teachers NaN. Gamification is becoming an increasingly popular Gamebased methods and strategies for training and education. Gamification and Multimedia for Medical Education: A Landscape Review Lise McCoy, EdD Joy H. Lewis, DO, PhD David Dalton, DO Background: Medical education is rapidly evolving. Students enter medical school with a high level of technological literacy and an. Gamification in Adventure and Wilderness Sports: A literature review of gamebased mechanics ability to International Journal of Social Education. The Gamification of Electronic Health Records: A Systematic The use of gamification in medical education is Records: A Systematic Literature Review. Information about the paper titled GAMIFICATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND STEM: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF LITERATURE at IATED Digital Library The role of gamification in education 1611 The positive impact of computer games and serious games which are earlier technologies utilized in education has. Based on our review, we identified several game design elements that are used in education. These game design elements include points, levelsstages, badges, leaderboards, prizes, progress bars, storyline, and feedback. We provided examples from the literature to illustrate the application of gamification in the educational context. descriptive literature review and classification of cloud computing research (Yang and Tate, 2009, 2012). 1 Review Method Literature reviews can be conducted as narrative review, descriptive review, vote counting and as a metaanalysis. One differentiation is the application of a qualitative versus a quantitative perspective (King and Jun, 2005). A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification Juho Hamari School of Information Sciences, University of Tampere Gamification in Education: A Literature Review. This paper was completed and submitted in partial fulfillment of the Master Teacher Program, a 2. Gamification in Education: A Systematic Mapping Study. Gamification in education, There are few literature reviews on gamification (see Xu. Gamification and Education: A Literature Review Ilaria Caponetto, Jeffrey Earp and Michela Ott ITDCNR, Genova, Italy caponetto@itd. it On Jun 22, 2014, Fiona FuiHoon Nah (and others) published the chapter: Gamification of Education: A Review of Literature in the book: HCI in Business. Gamification of Education: A Review of Literature 405 ODonovan et al. [16 utilized storyline, vivid elements, goals and subgoals, points, progress bars, badges, and leaderboard to gamify a game development course and assessed the effectiveness of gamification using a. In recent years, gamification has become a catchword throughout the fields of education and training, thanks to its perceived potential to make learning more motivating and engaging. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the emergence and consolidation of gamification in educationtraining. In 2011 there was a loud buzz about gamification the use of game and its spreading to higher education. See paper on ResearchGate: