James Dennis, a lawyer and Dominican Brother, Brent Douglas, and John T. Davis are the authors of Thin Slice of Life published on October 1st. The storytelling alter ego is Miles Arcenaux, the writer of the book so to speak. The book is published by the Stephen F. The triumvirate writing as Miles Arceneaux (aka Texas authors Brent Douglass, John T. Dennis) debuts with a hurricaneravaged thriller in the. MysteryPeople Presents MILES ARCENEAUX STEPHEN ROMANO MILES ARCENEAUX is the storytelling alter ego of Texasbased writers Brent Thin Slice of Life. Thin Slice of Life by Miles Arceneaux starting at 0. Thin Slice of Life has 1 available editions to buy at Alibris Buy, download and read Thin Slice of Life ebook online in EPUB or PDF format for iPhone, iPad, Android, Computer and Mobile readers. 'Thin Slice of Life, by Miles Arceneaux, is a mystery set on the Texas coast and involved shrimpers, a Texas Ranger and villians. relatives and friends who have gone on the journey with us as Thin Slice of Life took shape over the past twentyfour years. Excerpted from Thin Slice of Life by Miles Arceneaux. Copyright 2012 Brent Douglass, John T. Excerpted by permission of Stephen F. Read Thin Slice of Life is in stores now. You can order your copy now or get a sneak peek here. Brent Douglass inspiration for Miles tales stems from his familys THIN SLICE OF LIFE Thin Slice of Life, a novel by Miles Arceneaux. Jan 01, 2012Thin Slice of Life has 51 ratings and 12 reviews. Well written, engrossing tale set in the 70's on the Texas Gulf Coast. Once I got Miles Arceneaux James Dennis, a lawyer and Dominican Brother, Brent Douglas, and John T. Davis are the authors of Thin Slice of Life published on October 1st. The storytelling alter ego is Miles Arcenaux, the writer of the book so to speak. The book is published by the Stephen F. Thin Slice of Life Miles Arceneaux Published by Texas AM University Press Arceneaux, M. College Station: Texas AM University Press, 2012. Thin Slice Of Life; La Salles Ghost; Ransom Island; The Flatlanders; Photography. Music; Honky Tonks; Texas; Austin, Texas; Descansos; Black White; Out West; Skies; Roads; Mexico; Havana, Cuba; Santa Fe, New Mexico; New Orleans, Louisiana; Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Public Relations; Contact John T. [Miles Arceneaux When a political aide is assassinated at a fancy seaside party for a corrupt state politician, it. Find great deals for Thin Slice of Life by Miles Arceneaux (2012, Paperback). Miles Arceneaux is the storytelling alter ego of Texasbased writers Brent Douglass, John T. Miles was born many years ago amo Miles Arceneaux, author of Thin Slice of Life, on LibraryThing Miles Arceneaux is the pseudonym for authors Brent Douglas, John T Davis, and John R Dennis. Their first book, Thin Slice Of Life, is a fun crime novel set on the