About this time last summer, two federal investigations into the smuggling of Cuban baseball players to the United States were gathering momentum. Feb 01, 2017The players would be whisked from Cuba to Mexico or Haiti in a speedboat, sign papers claiming residency in their new country and eventually be cleared to sign with MLB teams. Dec 15, 2016Major League Baseball knows and ignores how Cuban players are preyed upon by a violent criminal underworld that smuggles them to professional teams. Nov 02, 2017Cuban baseball player smugglers face in Miami after their convictions for illegally smuggling Cuban players into the U. The criminal conviction of two sports agents for smuggling Cuban baseball players into the United States in an attempt to sign them to lucrative contracts serves as a. A sports agent from Weston and a trainer were sentenced Thursday for their roles in an international smuggling ring involving Cuban baseball players. Mar 15, 2017Florida sports agent Bartolo Hernandez was convicted of smuggling Cuban baseball players for big profits. Mar 02, 2017Cuban baseball player who snuck into the US says he covered his tracks by eating part of fake passport and washing it down with beer during flight Nov 22, 2016A smuggling ring held Cuban baseball stars at gunpoint in Mexico, threatening to kill them if they tried to escape before signing lucrative contracts with. Padron, who was also brought to Mexico by boat from Cuba, said he signed with the Boston Red Sox for 350, 000 in March 2010. Of that, he said about 140, 000 went to the smuggling operation, including percentages for Hernandez and Estrada. Baseball agent Bart Hernandez and trainer Julio Estrada were found guilty Wednesdayof smuggling Cuban baseball players into the United States in a fraudulent scheme. MIAMI (AP) A sports agent and a baseball trainer are facing prison time at a sentencing hearing in Miami after their convictions for illegally smuggling Cuban. The allimportant endgame for these defectors is to sign lucrative contracts with MLB teams. Then the smugglers can charge those players millions of dollars for their clandestine services. Hernandez is the first player agent to be charged with playing a role in this shadowy pipeline since Gus Dominguez was convicted on smuggling charges a decade ago. A sports agent and a baseball trainer are seeking lenient prison sentences after their convictions in Miami of smuggling Cuban players to the U. Baseball Agent, Trainer Sentenced on Smuggling Cuban Players This case is not about fulfilling dreams. This case is certainly not about love of the game. Nov 24, 2017Sports agent Bartolo Hernandez and Estrada are facing prison time at a sentencing hearing in Miami after their convictions for illegally smuggling Cuban players into the U. Court documents show prosecutors will ask a judge Thursday, Nov. 2, to exceed the nineyear maximum sentences recommended by federal guideline. Mar 02, 2017Cuban players can become free agents only Human smuggling trial exposes Cuban ballplayers' tough MLB STARS RETURN TO CUBA TO TEACH KIDS BASEBALL. A sports agent and a baseball trainer are facing prison time at a sentencing hearing in Miami after their convictions for illegally smuggling Cuban players into the U. Apr 26, 2016MIAMI Cuban baseball players paid a South Floridabased smuggling ring more than 15 million to leave the communist island in secretive ventures that. The Smuggling and Trafficking of Cuban Baseball Players: Policy Solutions for a Growing Problem Philip Cofone, Lindsey Cross, Laura Borrelli, Laura Wilkinson