Section 103 Regulating the Cell Cycle(pages ) This section describes how the cell cycle is regulated. It also explains how cancer cells are different from. Start studying Section 3: Regulation of the Cell Cycle. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 3 REGULATION OF THE CELL CYCLE Study Guide KEY CONCEPT Cell cycle regulation is necessary for healthy growth. VOCABULARY growth factor benign carcinogen apoptosis malignant cancer metastasize MAIN IDEA: Internal and external factors regulate cell division. Complete the concept map below to show important ideas about growth factors. Organs are made of tissues, so to have organs, an organism must have tissues. Function is the purpose of a part, or the job the part does. SECTION3 The Cell Cycle The Cell in Action Name Class Date CHAPTER 4 After you read this section, you should be able to answer these questions. Name ANSWER KEY Date Class CHAPTER 9 Worksheet Section 1: Cellular Growth In your textbook, read about the cell cycle. Draw the cell cycle in the space below. Start studying 7th Grade Science Chapter 4, Section 3, Cell Cycle. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1 THE CELL CYCLE Study Guide KEY CONCEPT Cells must pass through a critical checkpoint during which two stages of the cell cycle? 3 Regulation of the Cell Cycle Internal and external factors regulate cell division. External factors include physical and chemical signals. Cells also pass through different stages in their life cycles. These stages are called the cell cycle. The cell cycle starts when a cell is made, and ends when the cell divides to make new cells. Before a cell divides, it makes a copy of its DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is a molecule that contains all the instructions for making new cells. Name Class Date Section 3 Review NSES Ls lc, 2d SECTION VOCABULARY cell cycle the life cycle of a cell chromosome in a eukaryotic cell, one of the struc Section 103 Regulating the Cell Cycle (pages ) Key Concepts How is the cell cycle regulated? How are cancer cells different from other cells. section 10 3 regulating the cell cycle answers 28 images regulating the cell cycle ppt, chapter 10 3 cell growth and division worksheet chapter, understand broad. metaphase 190 CHAPTER 8 TEACHER GUIDE ANSWERS UNIT 3 Interactive Textbook 59 The Cell in Action SECTION3 The Cell Cycle The Cell in Action Name Class Date CHAPTER 4 After you read this section, you should be able to answer Section 3 The Cell Cycle Chapter 4 Section 3 The Cell Cycle Section Summary A cell produces more cells by first copying its DNA. REGULATION OF THE CELL CYCLE Reinforcement KEY CONCEPT Cell cycle regulation is necessary for healthy growth. The cell cycle is regulated by both external and internal factors. External factors come from outside the cell. These include cellcell contact, which prevents further growth of normal cells, and chemical signals called growth factors. Growth factors stimulate cells to divide. 3 REGULATION OF THE CELL CYCLE Section Quiz Choose the letter of the best answer. Proteins that bind to cells and stimulate cell division are called Holt McDougal Biology 2 Cell Growth and Division Answer Key Section 3. Regulation of the Cell Cycle 1. plateletderived growth factor 3. a, tumors; b, benign; c, malignant; d, metastases 11. Biology: The Dynamics of Life, California Edition Chapter 8: Cellular Transport and the Cell Cycle In this Chapter: