The Rashidun Caliphs (Rightly Guided Caliphs; Arabic: alKhulafu arRshidn), often simply called, collectively, the Rashidun, is a term used in Sunni Islam to refer to the 30year reign of the first four caliphs (successors) following the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, namely: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman ibn Affan, and. The History of The Four Caliphs (English Translation of Itmam alwafa fi Sirat alKhulafa) This book is a concise and immensely satisfying historical account of the. This book is a concise and immensely satisfying historical account of the first four caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, who because of their rectitude, became known as the Rightly Guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them). The four Rashidun caliphs, who directly succeeded Muhammad as leaders of the Muslim community, were chosen through shura, a process of community consultation that some consider to be an early form of Islamic democracy. B y the time of Muhammads death in 632, Islam had become a dominant power in the Arabian peninsula. Muhammads successors (the four caliphs) were appointed by the Muslim community to carry out the leadership and rule of Islam throughout the Arabian peninsula and other parts of the world. Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, the caliphate. Kids and students learn about the first four (Rightly Guided) caliphs of the Islamic Empire including the Rashidun Caliphate, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, and. In this book, the author covers the history of Shi'i Islam from after the death of the Prophet. He discusses in detail the rule of the three Caliphs and of Imam Ali. Mar 24, 2012This book is a concise and immensely satisfying historical account of the first four caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, who because of their rectitude, became known as the Rightly Guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them). How can the answer be improved. HISTORY OF THE CALIPHS including Muhammad and caliphs, Ali 10. THE HISTORY OF THE FOUR CALIPHS. Bahrain Oman Aswad The Kindah Iraq The battle of Ubullah The battle of Thiny The battle of Walajah The battle of Ullays The. The first four Caliphs after the Prophet Muhammad are known as the Rightly Guided Uthman was the third Caliph and was an important figure in early Islamic history. 8 The History of the four caliphs Bahrain 49 Oman 50 Aswad 51 The Kindah 53 Iraq 55 The battle of Ubullah 56 The battle of Thiny 58 The battle of Walajah 58 This book is a concise and immensely satisfying historical account of the first four caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, who because of their rectitude, became known as the Rightly Guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them). Ruled by a caliph (Arabic khalfah, successor), who held temporal and sometimes a degree of spiritual authority, the empire of the Caliphate grew rapidly through conquest during its first two centuries to include most of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Spain. Rashidun, (Arabic: Rightly Guided, or Perfect), the first four caliphs of the Islmic community, known in Muslim history as the orthodox or patriarchal caliphs: Ab Bakr (reigned ), Umar (reigned ), Uthmn (reigned ), and Al (reigned ). In the end, Abu Bakr would become the first of four caliphs, each of whom contributed significantly to the development and spread of Islam. Abu Bakr served as caliph from 632 until his death. The History of the Four Caliphs 4. 83 Rating Details 6 Ratings 0 Reviews. This book is a concise and immensely satisfying historical account of the first four caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, who because of their rectitude, became known as the Rightly Guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them). This book is a concise and immensely satisfying historical account of the first four caliphs of Islam, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, who because of their rectitude. TuraTh Publishing The History of the Four Caliphs Itmm alWaf f Srat alKhulaf Shaykh MuaMMad alkhuar Bak alBjr Mar 05, 2013Title: The History of the Four Caliphs (Itmam alWafa' fi Sirat alKhulafa') Publisher: Turath Publishing (2012) Original Author: Shaykh Muhammad al