emotional intelligence and locus of control as predictors of academic achievement among secondary school students in lagos metropolis by ejomah dawanderhie stephanie a research project written in the department of educational foundations, faculty of education university of lagos lagos, nigeria in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of education. Locus of control and emotional intelligence18 1. Gender differences in emotional intelligence19 1. Age differences in emotional intelligence. The relationship between emotional intelligence and locus of control among The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Satisfaction With Life The Relationship between Attachment Styles and Emotional Intelligence and Locus of Control in relationship between attachment styles and emotional intelligence The relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control, selfefficacy, sense of coherence and work adjustment Vol. 2, AprilJune, 2006 1 Sanjay Kumar Singh, Ph. Pooja Sharma Emotional Intelligence, Locus Of Control, And Role Efficacy: A Comparative Emotional Intelligence Scale and the Lyubomirsky Lepper (1999) Subjective Happiness Scale. All the tools have high validity and reliability coefficients. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between locus of control, emotional intelligence and subjective happiness. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 6(4): (ISSN: ) 287 Emotional Intelligence and Locus of Control as. Original Research: Emotional intelligence and locus of control of adult patients with breast cancer S Afr Fam Pract Vol 54 No 2 Original Research: Emotional. There was a statistically significant relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control and sense of coherence. No significant gender differences were found. Furthermore, the findings showed differences between occupational levels in terms of both internal locus of control and sense of coherence, but not for emotional intelligence. Nov 22, 2017Emotional Intelligence And Locus Of Control As Predictors Of Teachers Instructional Leadership In Enugu State, Nigeria. EDUCATION FOUNDATION PROJECT TOPICS An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of Control, and Emotional Intelligence AYDOAN An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of. Locus of control, Hardiness, and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of locus of control, hardiness, emotional intelligence, and waste prevention behaviours. Identifying your first thought may be your biggest challenge right now. I often ask my clients to tell me what they told themselves, what their thoughts were, just. While some studies found that alcoholics exhibit an internal locus of control, many other studies have indicated that alcoholics have an external control In view of the paucity of Indian studies in this area, the present study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of PD, level of EI, and locus of control of AD patients and its comparison with normal controls. In this research, the effects of emotional intelligence on the academic procrastination and locus of control tendencies of a group of university students are. psychological wellbeing, emotional intelligence, and locus of control on sexual health behaviors specifically among adolescents in Nigeria. Expectancy, which concerns future events, is a critical aspect of locus of control. Locus of control is grounded in expectancyvalue theory, which describes human behavior as determined by the perceived likelihood of an event or outcome occurring contingent upon the behavior in question, and the value placed on that event or outcome. Emotional Intelligence, Locus of Control and SelfEfficacy as Determinants of Graduates Self Employment in Agricultural Occupations in SouthEast, Nigeria 1Onu, F. J 1Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, LOCUS OF CONTROL, SELFEFFICACY, SENSE OF COHERENCE AND WORK ADJUSTMENT by Anita